Charity auctions, kids classes, art commissions, what do these have in common? And how can a group of kindergartners create such amazing artwork anyway? These are just some of the topics you’ll find in my “Words and Pictures” art blog.

Working Alone… The Face of Jesus
Working alone… The face of Jesus I’m here to show you a sneak peek of my process of creating a portrait. This is not something that I can do in a group, but must be done alone. It’s a complicated process and quite challenging. I use color value too give the illusion...

Called to Encourage
Let’s be honest…How many parents dream of their child growing up to be an artist? These parents are few and far between. Even though some fields: commercial art, architechture, or teaching could be considered a profitable careeer choice. As an artist, I can...

Why are exhibit so important to you?Exhibits are important for a visual artist. What could be more satisfying than to have your work seen and appreciated? Exhibit are important for feedback. The attentive artist will listen to the feedback of the viewers, wanting to...

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